The "Virus" update
Following todays news of an additionla three weeks lockdown, it looks like the whole of May will now be lost for organising walks etc....
Guided Walks in the Park
The "Virus" update
Coranavirus update
All pre-planned walks in April & May are now postponed.
Back from the Lakes
Open group walk Sat May 2nd
Snowdon Visit Specialist
Wet, Wet, Wet!
Open Group walk Sat May 2nd
Snowdon Workshop
Llanddwyn Island day out & Snowdon
Snow is back, haha
We are snow free at the moment.
New Venture
Snowdon "too high & steep"
End of the year
Last update before Christmas
Take heed of the goats!
Slipping & Sliding on the ice
Enjoying the calm
Back in the Snow
Work cancelled
Where did that white stuff come from?
End of season
Catch up