After my last blog titled "we are snow free" now we are not and I was lucky to get out onto the Glyders for a play, reall good day and I am looking forward to a Snowodn outing tomorrow for more of the same.
The snow is like a magnet for people and the mountains have been really busy this weekend, couple of people had to be airlifted off Crib Goch yesterday, not the best place to be in this weather if you are not experienced winter mountaineers!
Oh I forgot ! I had a nice day out with the Snowdonia Society and the National Trust giving some TLC to newly planted trees on the lower slopes of the Glyder Fach. Learnt some interesting stuff as well.
Lots of activity in the next few weeks and I am still trying hard to improve my Welsh so its back to school again on Saturday for another day in the classroom, one day is ok but two or three days does make my head hurt :(.
Photos from Tree day and Y Garn in the snow