Quick catch up, as the season gets nearer I have put on the first Snowdon Open Group Walk on Saturday May 2nd cost is £40pp.
Its a case of battening down the hatches this weekend as yet another storm arrives, luckily the Rugby is on so I will spend Saturday in a local hostelry hopefully cheering on Wales to a win over Ireland, no doubts it will be close either way!
We still have ice and a scattering of snow on the high summits so please be careful if you are up the hills this weekend.
Happy walking
The photos belwo are the drowning of Capel Celyn to provide water for Liverpool in the 60's and the Remains of the DC3 plane "St. Kevin" which crashed into the remote coutryside East of Snowdon killing 23 people, this was in the early 50's. Some of the bodies have not been recovered to date. Plane photo courtesy of Rob Collister
