Well we seem to have hit the Tripadvisor headlines once again with reviews from ill prepared walkers who thought it would be a stroll in the park.
Too many moans to detail here (sample below) but check out trip advisor to have a chuckle:)
"We decided to do this climb part of a fundraising event ,we spent weeks researching the best route path to take being we were novice climbers ,we spent weeks walking up hills in prep for it ,we watched you tube videos of people doing the chosen path THE RANGER PATH ,and all i can say is DONT DO IT it was the most terrifying experiance of our lifes ,the path is relentless starts straight away going up hill and never lets up ,the higher you go the worse the terrain becomes ,you clamber and i mean clamber over rocks ,steps,jagged rocks etc ,you cant walk more then 20 yards without stopping ,and in our case we started out really sunny and by the time we got a quarter the way up the weather changed ,it lashed it down it hailed and there was wind of around at a guess of 40 mph ,nearly blew us of our feet ,,be warned when i say dont attempt it, we seriously did not think we would get of alive ,we did manage to battle through and get to the top but it took 4.5 hours to get up there ,when your at the top there is at least another 20 mins walk up to the summit .and when u get there there are another 10 steps more up ...having pushed ourselves up there we were physically and mentally exhausted soaked through to the skin and beyond,"
Having read the full report I can only conclude that this group had underestimated the walk and their level of fitness must have been much to be desired!
The Ranger (Cwellyn) Path is the easiest on the mountain and I regulary take families, groups, young and old people up this path. For someone with average fitness it takes about three hours, add half an hour for someone less fit. The group moaning above took four and a half hours!!!
Just waiting for the winds to die down and I will be heading out onto the hills (probably Wednesday), we might even have a bit of snow, apart from that its all quiet here.
Looking back to sunnier days & Cake!
